Braces/Orthodontics 2018-03-16T15:26:23-06:00

Braces and Orthodontics

braces and orthodontics in San Antonio Dr. Parsi

Orthodontic Treatment

Our San Antonio office proudly offers both conventional braces (metal or ceramic) and Invisalign clear braces.  Your recommended orthodontic appliance will depend on your preference and the type of orthodontic treatment needed.

  • Metal Braces – Metal braces are the traditional form of braces and are very effective at moving teeth.  There are many different types of orthodontic issues that can be fixed with these braces.
  • Clear Braces – Clear braces are a great option for patients wanting to move teeth without having noticeable wires or metal.  With today’s advanced clear materials it is possible to fix many problems such as spacing, crowding, even rotating teeth with little discomfort.
  • Ceramic and Tooth-Colored Braces – Ceramic and tooth-colored braces are made from composite material. They are not as noticeable as metal braces and are an ideal choice for those who are concerned that the braces will affect their looks. Ceramic braces do not stain easily. The elastic ligatures may stain but these are usually replaced during your monthly visit to the dentist. These braces are more comfortable and cause lesser gum irritation as compared to metal braces. Ceramic and tooth-colored braces cannot be used for treating teeth that require a lot of force or pressure to align due to their slightly weaker structure.